It appears Michaels FIRST Book release –A BOY NAMED TIGGER– is already receiving some very good reviews, early days but all seems good. Many are reading the book and coming back with glowing reports. Reading through this months GOOD HOUSEKEEPING  Michael read of a young lady  Joy Carter, who fronts up the group The Adoption Arena. He contacted her and has spent many conversations telling her about his story and hearing what she does to promote stories from people who have been adopted. She is very excited to be offering Michael a Zoom interview at the beginning of March with a Q & A Session which will be broadcast on her PODCAST. Her PODCAST is heard by many people, MPs Celebrities etc so Michael hopes by taking part in this interview it will further enhance the profile of his book.

He also has been approached by a local newspaper company in Sussex who hopes to feature the book in an article in the next two or three weeks. If published, the article will be featured in 16 newspapers across East & West Sussex.

Currently the book is available in Waterstones, and on line  via Amazon Barnes & Noble W H Smith-Kindle as well as outlets in the USA (Walmarts) Australia Italy Scandinavia and Japan.

From Michael:

I am very proud to be associated with Austin Macauley who have been very helpful and efficient in getting my FIRST book published within a 10 month period. Their Review Committee provided me with a glowing report enabling me to proceed with publication  THANK YOU EVERYONE

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